What Are Top Colleges Looking For?

Let's cover what top schools want to see in your application.

Top colleges are becoming more competitive. Let's break down what they're looking for.

Here's what Harvard says on their website:

We seek to identify students who will be the best educators of one another and their professors—individuals who will inspire those around them during their College years and beyond.

And here are some questions Harvard admissions officers will ask themselves as they read your application:

  • Have you reached your maximum academic and personal potential?

  • Do you care deeply about anything—Intellectual? Extracurricular? Personal?

  • What about your maturity, character, leadership, self-confidence, sense of humor, energy, concern for others, and grace under pressure?

  • Will you contribute something to Harvard and your classmates? Will you benefit from your Harvard experience?

The Harvard website lists over a dozen questions, but the four I've listed above are the ones that stand out most.

Before we dive deeper, check out our essay review service if you need help with your college essays this summer. You can receive edits from Ivy League consultants in as little as 24 hours.

With that, let's cover the traits colleges look for in applicants.

🧠 Intellectual Vitality

Your transcript is the most critical part of your application. You're applying to become a student—to study with some of the brightest professors globally—so top colleges want to see if you're prepared to handle a rigorous curriculum.

These schools want to see that you have taken and performed well in the most challenging classes available to you.

But intellectual vitality is more than book smarts—it's about having a genuine love of learning.

Are you curious? Do you love to explore new topics? Do you question everything around you?

Most importantly, do you go out of your way to learn new things, even without grades or extrinsic incentives?

Your love of learning comes through not just your transcript but also your essays, activities, and letters of recommendation.

🔥 Passion

I'm not a fan of this buzzword, but yes, passion stands out to top colleges.

Many of my peers at MIT explored a particular field in high school. For example, some pursued computer science research, others wrote poems, and some even studied planets for fun.

These students had a "spike." They excelled in a distinct area—often at a national or international level.

Does every admit to a top school have a spike? Of course not. You can get into a top school even if you're well-rounded and explore various interests.

But I think caring deeply about a topic—and proving it through your activities and essays—is one of the most practical ways to stand out to top colleges.

💎 Character

Top schools could quickly fill their classes with valedictorians and academic superstars. But culling students solely based on academic merit doesn't foster a diverse and stimulating community.

Admissions officers know that learning happens inside and outside the classroom. They want students who will both excel academically and contribute to the campus environment.

Colleges want to admit those who will become courageous leaders, kindhearted peers, and thoughtful friends.

Now why do colleges care about character? Because they're looking for fit.

🧩 Fit

"Fit" refers to how well your interests, goals, personality, and values align with a school's mission, culture, and offerings.

It's a two-way street; schools seek students who will thrive in their specific environments, and students are looking for schools where they can grow and succeed.

A good fit means that a school has the major or program you're interested in, the right campus culture, or extracurricular opportunities that align with your interests.

From a college perspective, a good fit might mean you're likely to contribute to the community meaningfully and uphold the school's values.

Where are you planning to apply to college? DM me on Instagram (@goharsguide) to let me know!

If you want study help, come join my Discord! We have a global community of students helping each other succeed in school. I’d love to see you there.

And if you need help with college applications, check out Next Admit! We have a team of Ivy League consultants eager to help you navigate the admissions process.

I’ll see you next week!
